1. Consultation with Client

- Kick off / Pow Wow / Scope-fine tuning

- Plan project milestones and confirm timeline

- Interviews with relevant client staff to review portfolio of product offerings, understand current market positioning, key success / failure factors, and discuss previous experience in the market
2. Secondary Research

- Scan secondary research, including government health reports & statistics; international donor reports and plans; and World Health Organization briefs

- Identify key prospective interviewees across the healthcare landscape
3. Expert interviews

- Conduct in-depth interviews with market influencers and decision-makers across the healthcare landscape, including with

- Hospitals, laboratories, clinics to meet with key stakeholders – doctors, technicians, nurses, and facility management – to understand purchasing drivers, unmet needs, and future outlook

- Government officials to discuss national healthcare strategy, healthcare financing, and future plans & targets

- Distributors to gain insight to customer behavior and needs, optimal distribution set up and strategy, and marketing, sales, and promotional activities needed to win sales

- Competitors to benchmark strengths and weaknesses, as well as identify gaps

- International donor and NGO field offices, who often play a significant role in shaping an emerging country’s healthcare landscape
4. How to win strategic insights & So what recommendations

- Prioritize key customer base and identify key decision-maker unmet needs

- Identify market KOLs and how to partner with them to influence market dynamics

- Establish distribution network to widen reach across geographies as well as public and private facility landscape

- Capitalize on government healthcare initiatives and advise on how to build valuable relationships with key policymakers and agencies

- Which competitors are focusing on which segments and what are their strengths and weaknesses, blind spots?